One of my all time favorite projects to do are covers; covers of any kind. The first covers I did were the 1976 and 1977 Blair High School Yearbook Covers in Pasadena, California.
From manuals to cook books and magazine covers, the book covers I have had the joy to create are some of the greatest covers in my client base. I have done hundreds of covers throughout my career. There are too many to post and I have lost most of the images. Please refer to the following samples of some of the covers I have done in my career.
To commission your own cover please push this link for pricing and scheduling. Contact
Company branding is the most efficient way to show potential customers what your business is about. Your company is visually reflected via your logo. Company design elements are carefully selected using verbiage, marketing materials, slogans and informational details.
Strategic use of graphics and word choice is key in projecting your business to your target audience and your brand. Use your branding to deliver clear messages.
Done correctly your brand can assist you in obtaining a strong foothold in your niche market. Branding your company with the right logo can command a level of respect through your professional presentation. The right logo can provide your business further name recognition by utilizing your logo on a vast array of products such as websites, T-shirts, mugs, laminates, etc.
To commission your own custom logo please push this link for pricing and scheduling. Contact
The apparel topic has come up within my career many times. I am not much of a fashion 'with design images on it type of guy' as it can be awkward to explain that you are the actual creator of the “bad ass” t-shirt design others celebrate wearing. Suffice it to say that my textile designs are very popular and sell well.
At any rate I have been asked by a few companies over the years to design various styles of shirts from simple one color silk screen shirts to as many as a 14 silk screen layered shirts. I do not sell any of these shirts, I just design them for clients.
To commission your own custom shirt design please push this link for pricing and scheduling. Contact
If you are already familiar with my art work you know most of my art work was done within the martial arts community. I did attend art college and even though I became a martial artist in my own right, the world of art was where my greatest gifts and passions lie.
The martial arts was my birth family's business and the martial arts community became the lowest hanging fruit for me with regards to acquiring clients.
For three decades I taught hundreds of martial arts seminars around the world so my two career paths of martial artist and artist ran parallel like a railroad track. After teaching my martial arts seminar I was more often than not working on artwork for clients in the hotel room.
Many of these after hours art pieces are included in this part of my portfolio. I have completed thousands of art pieces for the martial arts industry and now and then I get lucky enough to do an art piece unrelated to martial arts. It is always a pleasure. The following pieces are some of the works I’ve done in my long career.
To commission your own custom artwork please push this link for pricing and scheduling. Contact
The cool part of about being an artist is that you always have the ability to give gifts from the heart. No malls or amazon gift cards necessary.
I have been fortunate to be able to give friends and family members artwork to raise their spirits and give them something cool to display.
I also feel from time to time the need to draw something that whispers to me like my Spock painting or my tribute to the legendary Stan Lee.
I have many art projects that I am working on simultaneously at any given time but my most important life project is the peaceful self defense nine book curriculum that I am working on completing with my wife Baer. I am an OK writer but Baer is a phenomenal writer/editor as that is where her greatest gifts lie. Every book needs an artist and a writer/editor so we make a phenomenal team. At this point in my long career it is easy to create the art I need for our own projects. This part of my portfolio is a sprinkling of some of that art.
Early artwork from my youth is included here as well.